Tuesday, 28 March 2017

What divides us?

A lot of people hate politics because it seems to be about arguments, bickering and conflict. I have to admit, I can no longer stomach watching PMQs (Prime Minister's Questions - every sitting Wednesday at noon) - and like so many friends, I'm watching LESS news these days - it is so depressing.

But discussion is at the heart of democracy. We exchange ideas, put forward our views and argue for own own interests (and those of our family, communities...)That's better that having decisions imposed upon us. Sometimes we can go too far, but that is better than living without freedom.

We often stress the "winner takes all" nature of British politics. Win a majority in the House of Commons, or on the local council - and you can do what you want. In practice most decisions involve consultation, negotiation and compromise. When these break down we can be justifiably angry.

Let's stop criticising negotiating and compromise. Let's not forget that we are 65 million people - each with our own needs, views and interests. As Churchill once said...

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