Monday, 27 February 2017

This will be an important week for Parliament - and for the UK generally. The Government hopes that - with threats and vague suggestions of possible future action - that it can ram the Committee Stage of the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal Bill) in just two sitting days. It invites the House of Lords to back off exercising the Parliamentary Sovereignty that the Supreme Court upheld - and to step away from giving this historically important bill, any significant scrutiny.

I hope that Peers will be not be cowed by the unpleasant tactics of this government which barely has a majority in the House of Commons for a policy that lacks the support of most entitled to vote - and those, who have a long term interest in the future of the country, who were denied a vote.

If you are not enraged - why not?

If you are - make sure that Peers (and Government Ministers, & your MP) hear your concerns -and ask that proper parliamentary and public scrutiny be allowed.

If you wish to follow the Lords Committee Stage of the European Union (Notice of Withdrawal) Bill today - it will be online at…/20b31f64-725c-435a-8c43-587b… - The House will have prayers first (not broadcast) then there will be four questions taking about 30 minutes.

The "order paper" for the day's business in the House of Lords can be found at
Documents relating to the European Union (Notice of Withdrawal) Bill can be accessed on…/europeanunionnotificationof…The key to use are the Bill itself,…/201…/0103/17103.pdf - the explanatory notes…/2…/0103/17103en.pdfand the Marshalled list (Amendments will be referred to by the number on that list)…/0…/17103-I(Rev).pdf

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