Thursday, 19 January 2017

Effective Legislatures

In the history of Britain, Parliament has played a central role in the development of our liberties. It's a long story - and has seen setbacks as well as progress. It is however a story which merits study. Not merely for its own sake, but to learn lessons about the effective oversight and control of executive power.

As progressives we face a challenging future. If we are to stand up to the aggressive use of executive power by Theresa May in the United Kingdom - and Donald Trump in the USA (and by regressive Executives in a host of countries), then effective use of legislatures will be play a key role.

Parliament and Congress matter. Progressives are a minority in both - but there is a powerful forum for scrutiny. Effective questioning can reveal what the Executive would prefer the people to be ignorant of. The use, and especially - the abuse - of power can be revealed and challenged. Alternatives to bad policy can be aired.

Certainly there is a role for action by citizens - demonstrations have had an honourable role in the history of the UK and the US. The press can play an important part - my interest in Congress was spurred by the revelations in the Washington Post - and the action taken as a result by congressional committees.

This blog (jdm_progressive) will aim to draw attention to the work of Congress and Parliament in the new environment. It's sister blog, Washminster, deals with the nitty gritty of the workings of both.

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