This article appeared on Owen Smith's website - and sets out reasons given by members why they will be voting for him. This piece accurately reflects MY views as a progressive.
Here are the top 5 reasons that Labour Party members have given for getting involved in the campaign to elect Owen Smith as Leader of the Labour Party.
1) Because Owen can form an effective opposition to challenge the Tories' deep austerity cuts and unfair Brexit negotiations
“I'm backing Owen because he realises, intrinsically, that real change in people's lives comes through achieving power. This country is crying out for a Labour opposition that can take the Tories to task on the Brexit negotiations, on the austerity agenda and on the continued privatisation of the NHS. Owen Smith can deliver the opposition that people up and down this country deserve!” - Alexander
“I am backing Owen because I want a leader who can deal with the press, who can present a real challenge to the current government, who can build and unite a full, strong and experienced shadow cabinet but most of all who heart and soul wants to win the next election.” - Fran
2) Owen can reunite our Party, so we can take the fight to the Tories.
“I voted for Jeremy last time, his strong and hopeful message inspired me. Since then I've seen the party I love fall apart. Owen has the policies and the ability to take us back into government.” - Johnathan
“I'm backing Owen because he can build the bridges between the membership and the elected representatives to unite us in a common purpose - a Labour government. He has already shown he can hold the Tories to account effectively and he will stand up for the things we in the Labour Party care passionately about. He is a team player and a team leader.” - Sarah
3) Because Owen believes in fighting social inequality
“I grew up in a working class community with a single mother who had to choose between feeding her children and heating the house. I don't want the next generation to live through the same. Jeremy Corbyn can't win over the voters we need to form a government, but I believe Owen Smith can.” - Vince
4) Because Owen has the right policies, to drive the Labour Party
“Owen to me represents the hope and future we can have as a united country in these turbulent times. A hope that Britain can prosper, but Owen's promises are also backed up by genuine policies. I joined the Labour party not because I wanted to be a part of a protest movement that is destined to be in opposition, but because I wanted to be part of a political party that has a real chance of getting back into government and that can change the lives of people in Britain for the better.” - Hannah
“I am backing Owen because ideals need to be backed by political action. I have never felt more in tune with a politician since Owen Smith said, "It's not enough to be anti-austerity, you've got to be pro something." Austerity was always a terrible economic plan, but saying that means absolutely nothing when we have nothing to replace it with. Owen will formulate the policies that can kick the Tories out of office.” - Oliver
5) Because Owen can win the next election, for all those that desperately need a Labour Government
“At nearly 83 years old, having campaigned for Labour since I was a teenager in 1945, I know how vital a Labour government is.” - Edna
“I'm backing Owen Smith to be our next Labour Prime Minister because I love my party. I joined because I wanted to make a difference in this country, but to make a difference we need to be in Government. We now need a credible leader with a radical message, and that person is Owen Smith.” - James